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“Indeed, the sense of history and tradition, which is so alive at the College, sometimes excludes black students, who comprise about 4 percent of the total student population.”

When black students were finally admitted to the College on a…

Blacks Reject Cultural White-Wash

By: Kermit Dance

Note: This article has been accepted as official policy by the campus Black Students Organization.

Much of the college community has a misconception about the college’s racial situation.…

This is a draft of a generic rejection letter from the College of William & Mary to prospective African-American students. The letter cites “existing policy in the Commonwealth” as the premise for denying acceptance to applicants, and directs…

This is an application by Lawrence C. Bryant applying to teach education at the College of William and Mary in 1956. This application shows that Dr. Bryant was very accomplished, with ten years of teaching experience, six references, and several…

These letters highlight the correspondence between Miriam J. Carter, a female African-American teacher, and faculty at William and Mary regarding her admission for graduate study. The entire exchange includes over 12 letters sent between June and…

Submitted on October 17, 1973, this summary of Affirmative Action initiatives at the College provides a thorough look into the attempt to stimulate a higher minority influence on campus, specifically in the faculty. From the first section,…
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